Switched-On Kids Cognition offers help for kids struggling with poor working memory, executive functions, and emotion regulation skills.

Empowering parents!

Transforming the capabilities of children & teens (age 6-18 years), by providing parents with the tools, education and personalised support they need to promote positive mental health and unlock their child’s learning potential.


Let’s help neurodivergent kids reach their potential by …

  • Understanding where they are at and what makes them tick.

  • Encouraging them (and us!) to think outside the square.

  • Nurturing their creativity.

  • Building resilience.

  • Supporting language skills.

  • Using strategies to enhance learning.

  • Helping them remember things (also helpful for us).

  • Understanding how working memory, executive function and processing speed issues trip them up.

  • Recognising signs of anxiety (including OCD).

  • Celebrating strengths (these may be art, sport, social, music or academic).

  • Learning to co-regulate and support emotional development.

  • Promoting positive mental health (my personal favourite).

  • Knowing pre-emptively where the next challenges may lie.

Work on cognitive skills to help learning, ADHD, autism, ASD and anxiety

The right support to flourish and thrive!

As our children grow from mid-late childhood and into their teenage years and early adulthood - their brain changes in remarkable ways! Over the first two decades of life, we develop the high-level executive function skills that support us for life. Executive functions enable us to successfully plan, organise and problem-solve. These skills underlie success in all areas of life. If children struggle in any of the areas above, they tend to lose confidence, fall behind, struggle to achieve and do not reach their full potential. Strong cognitive and emotional skills result in happy, confident kids who are ready to learn (anything) and take on the world.

Switched-On Kids Cognition offers parents, caregivers and professionals’ evidence-based information, facts, strategies and activities to help kids improve the skills that underlie learning and emotional development. These include:

  • Processing speed.

  • Working memory (visual/verbal).

  • Cognitive flexibility.

  • Anxiety and dealing with stress.  

  • Executive functioning.

  • Emotion regulation.

The Switched-On Kids Program works on the cognitive skills that underlie all learning

Support and strategies.

What does Switched-On Kids Cognition offer?

1.The Switched-On Kids Executive Functions and Emotion Regulation Course

A 10-week, self-paced course that contains 10 videos (each approximately 20 minutes in duration), 10 summary pdfs (covering key topics, suggested strategies and activities to practice at home or in the classroom), plus tip sheets and pdfs. Cost $95 AUD.

For more details please see - Our Course

2.The Switched-On Kids Program

A 10-module program that covers the fundamental cognitive skills that underlie all learning. The program offers over 70 activities that parents work through with their child. Ten real-world guides and email support are also included. Cost $95AUD.

For more details please see - Our Program

3.Individual parent education/counselling/support with Dr Kylie Maidment. Cost $130AUD per session.

I offer parent sessions via zoom. The aim of these sessions is to help you understand your child, how you can best support them to thrive and how the best ways to ensure positive mental health! For more details please see - Counselling

*You can choose to do either the course, the program, sessions or all of the above.

