Hi I’m Kylie!
I have a PhD in Psychology (cognitive neuroscience). I am also a counsellor and have many years of practical experience working with children, tweens, teens and families. I created Switched-On Kids Cognition as I see so many children struggling with poor executive function and cognitive skills (including difficulties with anxiety and emotion regulation). For most kids these difficulties have never been addressed. My research background and time working with kids has led me to create engaging, evidence-based techniques to improve cognitive and emotional skills. I love seeing kids thrive. Given the right skills and support, kids have a remarkable ability to solve problems, adapt and achieve. I firmly believe that if we want to promote positive mental health that helping families and children is the best place to start.
I tend to work directly with parents/caregivers to provide them with education, support and resources. I find that this is the “missing link” in therapy. Often parents are overwhelmed and are looking for practical understanding and knowledge that will empower them to best support their children.
I have a strong knowledge of a range of mental health conditions. I find that different conditions tend to occur within families (e.g., ADHD, autism, OCD, anxiety, depression and eating disorders). Families are systems and when one person is struggling this tends to influence other family members.
In my spare time, you can find me playing with my boys (husband, 2 sons, and a chocolate Labrador named Rocco) and growing things in my native garden.
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©K. Maidment 2021