My top 10 working memory activities
Here are 10 of my favourite practical working memory training activities:
Teach kids the power of BASIC repetition - e.g., say the words "dog, car, train" and have the child whisper and then repeat them back to you. Continue to add a word until you reach their span limit. How many words can they repeat?
Teach kids to visualize. Visualization is an incredibly powerful tool for kids who struggle with language and reading comprehension.
Teach kids to "chunk" information. Chunking the number "8754691" into "8754" and "4691" is a far more effective way of storing information.
Make it meaningful - turn a dull fact into a funny fact, be creative (here is where kids really excel!).
Practice verbal working memory skills EVERY day. For example, number span backwards -> "5, 7, 9" - give me the numbers backwards ("9, 7, 5"). Begin where your child is at and aim to increase the span of numbers they can repeat backwards. Try it with a simple list of instructions.
Teach kids memory strategies such as mnemonics or Method of Loci/Memory Palace.
Play lots of visual-spatial working memory games - LEGO and puzzles are great. But so are rotated forms, parquetry blocks, and learning left vs right/directionality. Can your child guide you home from the shops?
Practice switching and updating using well known verbal lists, e.g., "January, 1, February 2, March 3...". Make it harder: "January, 5, red, February, 10, blue, March, 15, green ..." (you can't use the same colour twice).
Help your child achieve automaticity for specific tasks, e.g., sight words, spelling words, and times tables. Once these skills are automatic it frees up working memory to process other information.
Mental mathematics - no paper or calculators allowed! Ask your child to add "13+12" in their head. Begin simple and increase the challenge as they become more competent.
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